Beginner Guide

For a Good Start!

Equip the Hud and The Net

Grab the last Hud and equip it (Add) on your avatar, your Celestial Butterfly Player account will then be automatically created.

You can now retrieve a net and equip it (Add), it will then be recognized by the Hud and the button representing a "Net" will be activated.
40 tranquil Nectars were offered to you when you created your account, you can start your first hunt!

Catch your First Butterfly

You have to go to a Stump to be able to hunt and be 20m or less from it. The list of active Stumps is visible from the website in the Stumps Location section or from your Hud on the "Location" button (After the Net Button)

If you wear your Hud and a Net, you must have the Net button activated, click on it. A window will open with different buttons and a recap of your current equipment, you also have a summary of the different bonuses valid for the next hunt launched (these bonuses depend on your equipment: Net, nectar, Potion). The [Start Hunt] button that appears only when you are near an active Stump, allows you to launch a hunt. The [Set Nectar] button allows you to equip a Nectar or change the Nectar equipped. The same for [Set Potion] Button but with Potions (Not available Yet). And the [Net Option] button gives you access to the menu options of your net.
To catch your first butterfly, click [Start Hunt]


At the end of the Hunting Time (which depends on the equipped Nectar) a summary will be displayed in the chat giving you the name of the caught butterfly, its value, and the number of Xp earned. The xp allows you to level up and be able to access more possibilities in the game.

You just caught your first butterfly! You can launch your next hunt... You can launch, with a Beginner Butterfly Net, a maximum of 35 hunts per Stump and per 24 hours. Once your hunting limit numbers are done, you will be "Locked" on this Stump for 24 hours. If you have not completed one Stump and you start another, the initial Stump not completed will then be "Locked" for 24 hours.
For more information about the game, please visit the Wiki and all Others Guides!
See The Wiki